Medieval Re-enactment

Two of my sons (1st and last in the image below) are members of Einherjar, a medieval re-enactment group. Prior to the formation of Einherjar they were members of the Sutherland Medieval Regiment (SMR) and for a while they were members of both groups, eventually leaving SMR in favour of Einherjar where Son4 took on the position of ‘Training Sergeant’.

13/04/2015 SMR Medieval Display Combat for Heritage Week 2015
24/09/2014 Einherjar at Lugarno Lions Club Spring Festival 2014
23/09/2014 Winterfest 2014
07/06/2014 Ironfest 2014
17/09/2013 SMR at Lugarno Lions Club Spring Festival 2013
01/07/2013 Mudfest, Swampfest …aka Winterfest 2013
23/04/2013 Ironfest 2013

Einherjar – Medieval Re-enactment Group


Einherjar has their original website hosted on “Wix” but that website is not accessible on mobile devices so in April 2016 I offered to do a new mobile-friendly website for them using WordPress (with the Karuna theme) instead of Wix. 😀