Different …it’s not so bad

In my previous blog I briefly referred to the idea of “being different” and whether or not it was considered acceptable to be so. That reminded me of a video which I discovered recently — the link was posted on one of the autism forums/e-groups I’m a member of. The film clip is from  a 1970 feature film of the children’s television series, H.R. Puffnstuff with Mama Cass Elliot in the role of “Witch Hazel”. It’s not about Asperger’s Syndrome and in spite of the presence of  a lot of witches it’s not about Paganism either, LOL. However, I love the song lyrics which can be interpreted to be about either, or both, or anything else that sets people apart, yet brings them together in their “differentness”.  It all depends on your point of view. 😀  Enjoy…

Boss Witch: Just don’t stand there you dum dums, let’s get this show on the road, C’mon!
Heimrich: Ja wohl, I vill start de music!
Boss Witch: Play Heimrich!
Heimrich: Ja, groovy!

(Sung by Witch Hazel)
When I was smaller, and people were taller,
I realized that I was different,
I had a power that set me apart.
I learned to take it, to use it, to make it,
it’s not so bad to be different –
to do your own thing
and do it with heart.

Different is hard,
different is lonely,
different is trouble, for you only.
Different is heartache,
different is pain,
but I’d rather be different than be the same!

At first I’d wonder, what hex I was under.
What did I do to be so different?
Then I discovered some others like me.

Wonder no longer, together we’re stronger.
It’s not so bad to be different,
be true to yourself –
that’s what you must be!

Different is hard,
different is lonely,
different is trouble, for you only.
Different is heartache,
different is pain,
but I’d rather be different than be the same!

3 thoughts on “Different …it’s not so bad

  1. It is our differences that makes us all interesting, and I totally agree with you, that being different isn’t a bad thing, and that no-one should be made to feel bad about being different or encouraged to be ‘normal’. I personally think normal is just a way of controlling society, and thought, so that most people don’t think outside the box, because too many things get questioned. However over the years some of the biggest breakthroughs in knowledge have come from those very people.


    I know I loves you just the way you are!

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