A Tarot Journey …my new blog

As part of Spheres Of Light’s Dark Moon Circle work I am attempting to study and hopefully learn something about the tarot. To help me along on this journey I decided to create another blog to document my progress (or lack of it, LOL). There’s not a lot there yet but hopefully as time goes on it’ll grow substantially. 🙂 Click on the image below…


4 thoughts on “A Tarot Journey …my new blog

  1. I am delighted you decided to do a Tarot blog. Here I’ll get to sit at your virtual feet and learn from you.lol Ever facinated by archetypes, I’ve always wanted to learn Tarot, and even have six Tarot books on my shelf, then we got the diagnosis and recreational study had been put off for a few years.


  2. Thanks 🙂 I have a few tarot books on my shelves too which I’ve never really had the time to read (for far too long) – kids, life and everything else somehow gets in the way, LOL. Nothing’s really changed on the home front but I’m determined to squeeze this in somehow, although it will be a very sloooooow journey …but hopefully I/we will get there. 😉


  3. What I found helped me, was to pull a book out, flick to a page and then read about that one card. Get my decks out and look them over, work out what imagery is the same, and then read through the meaning for my deck.

    I found this helped me a lot. And if you want do another card. I figured one card at a time often is only 10 mins but it is at least something!


  4. That’s sort of what I’ve been doing, although the “rules” are for this particular exercise that I’m supposed to be getting just my own impressions from the cards without looking at any books about them. (shhhhhhh …don’t tell J9! ;-)) But I like to confirm that my impressions are at least close to what was intended with the imagery, and I also like looking at my different decks too, to see how they compare. So far I’ve been pretty close …but I do find it helpful to sneak a peek at the books because then I notice other aspects that I didn’t see at first. 🙂


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