Autism, Psychic Abilities, the Paranormal and Paganism …is there a connection?

(There is an updated and expanded version of this article here.)

I wrote this article for the April 2009 Axis Mundi eNewsletter. It’s based on some of my previous writings here,  which have been “tweaked” and improved a little, with some new content added. 😀

(Edit: 1/5/09 My article now also appears in the May edition of The Cosmic Cauldron Newsletter.)

April is Autism Awareness Month in some countries, including the UK and the USA, and April 2, 2009 was the very first World Autism Awareness Day. Here in Australia May 1-31 has been chosen to be Autism Awareness Month each year. Autism touches the lives of all sorts of people, including witches and pagans, so I thought it would be appropriate timing to post some information about it in this edition of the Axis Mundi.

What is Autism?

In brief, Autism is a lifelong developmental disability. It is part of the autism spectrum and is sometimes referred to as an autism spectrum disorder, or an ASD. The word ‘spectrum’ is used because, while all people with autism share three main areas of difficulty, their condition will affect them in very different ways. Some are able to live relatively ‘everyday’ lives; others will require a lifetime of specialist support.

The three main areas of difficulty which all people with autism share are sometimes known as the ‘triad of impairments’. They are:

  • difficulty with social communication
  • difficulty with social interaction
  • difficulty with social imagination.

It can be hard to create awareness of autism as people with the condition do not ‘look’ disabled: parents of children with autism often say that other people simply think their child is naughty; while adults find that they are misunderstood.

What is Asperger’s Syndrome?

There is a form of autism called Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) which is often used to describe people who are usually at the higher functioning end of the autistic spectrum, and it is in this form that autism has touched my life. I have four wonderful sons, two of whom have been diagnosed with mild Asperger’s Syndrome, while the other two have a lot of Aspie traits, one more so than the other, but have not been assessed. I now realise I that I too most likely have Asperger’s Syndrome – it explains so much about my life experiences.

Asperger’s syndrome is named after Hans Asperger, a Viennese psychiatrist who first described the syndrome in 1944. Although his writings were published around the same time as Leo Kanner described autism, the term Asperger’s syndrome was not widely used until the late 1980s, and internationally standardized diagnostic criteria were not published until 1994.

Autism, in all of its forms, is what is called a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). In essence, it is a slight difference in the construction of the brain, probably present since birth, which affects the way the child develops. It is not a mental condition or a behavioural issue… it is a neurological difference. Asperger’s Syndrome is also sometimes referred to as a neurobiological disorder – which means the nervous system has developed slightly differently to ‘normal’ due to genetic, metabolic, or other biological factors.

A number of traits of autism are common to Asperger syndrome including difficulty in social relationships, difficulty in communicating, limitations in imagination and creative play, and heightened sensitivity to certain textures, sights, sounds, tastes, or smells.

However, people with Asperger syndrome usually have fewer problems with language than those with autism, often speaking fluently, though their words can sometimes sound formal or stilted. People with Asperger syndrome do not usually have the accompanying learning disabilities associated with autism; in fact, people with Asperger syndrome are often of average or above average intelligence. Because of this many children with Asperger syndrome enter mainstream school and, with the right support and encouragement, can make good progress and go on to further education and employment.

Because their disability is often less obvious than that of someone with autism, a person with Asperger syndrome is, in a sense, more vulnerable. They can, sadly, be an easy target for teasing or bullying at school. As they get older, they may realise that they are different from other people and feel isolated and depressed. People with Asperger syndrome often want to be sociable and are upset by the fact that they find it hard to make friends.

Many people are of the opinion that the terms that describe AS (syndrome, disorder, etc) have onerous connotations and that it’s more accurate to simply say that so affected individuals are different. This has led to use of the term ‘Aspie’, first used in self-reference by Liane Holliday Wiley in her book Pretending to be Normal (1999), to describe such individuals in a more positive way.

Asperger’s Syndrome is NOT all about dysfunction and disability etc. There are many good points and advantages to being an Aspie. Here’s a refreshingly different perspective from the medical profession, by Dr Tony Attwood, a clinical psychologist and world renowned expert on AS…

“From my clinical experience I consider that children and adults with Aspergers Syndrome have a different, not defective, way of thinking.”

Research demonstrates that autistic traits are distributed into the non-autistic population; some people have more of them, some have fewer. History suggests that many individuals whom we would today diagnose as autistic — some severely so — contributed profoundly to our art, our math, our science, and our literature.

Although the diagnostic criteria are relatively recent, autism itself is obviously not, and it is only now, due to advances in science and technology, that we have the opportunity to understand why some people are different. Hopefully this will eventually lead to a greater acceptance of diversity and the idea that ‘different’ does not equal or imply ‘defective’.

Yes, there are Strengths & Advantages of being an Aspie …just click on the link to see what they are.

It is beyond the scope of this article to go into greater detail about autism so I have provided links below to some of the many excellent online resources about ASD and AS for anyone who wants to find out more:

Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Autism SA
The National Autistic Society (UK)
Dr Tony Attwood
…THE best source of information about Asperger’s Syndrome and current research about AS.

My personal blog The Other Side has a collection of information about Autism and AS, including the traits to identify. I have also listed on my blog links to the major Australian Autism organizations, plus links to personal websites of people with ASD.

Asperger’s Syndrome & Paganism …is there a connection?

Since beginning my journey a few years ago into the world of (Neo)Paganism I’ve often wondered about the seemingly disproportionate number of Pagans I’ve met (both in the ‘real’ world and online) who either have a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), or are self diagnosed Aspies based on their own observations and knowledge of the condition; knowledge and understanding gained usually because their own children have been diagnosed with AS or related conditions on the Autism Spectrum. I include here as well those Pagans I’ve met who have ‘quirky’ behaviour and also have close family members diagnosed with AS; a strong indicator that they too may have AS or some other ASD. I’ve met Pagan individuals who have so many of the traits of AS that are obvious to those of us who recognise the typical traits of AS yet they themselves haven’t got a clue and continue through life wondering why they don’t quite fit in, sometimes expressing the view that they feel very alone, like they’re on the wrong planet. Remember, the diagnostic criteria for AS have only been available since 1994 so many adults with AS would not even know what it is, nor would they have been clinically assessed and therefore they would not understand why they don’t fit in with mainstream society. One could speculate that perhaps within Paganism, which is not mainstream, that people with a different ‘way of being’ such as Aspies, might find companionship and acceptance with more like-minded individuals than in mainstream religions and society.

But of course not all Pagans are Aspies and vice versa, and unfortunately, as in any ‘community’, there are always those ignorant individuals who will bully and harrass anybody they see as different or vulnerable, even when they are made aware of why that person might be different. Such behaviour within the Pagan community is a far cry from what you might expect from people who claim to be ‘spiritual’ or at least tolerant of differences. I’ve witnessed this both online and in the real world as friendships have been destroyed and people on both sides hurt, all because of ignorance, fear, misunderstandings and miscommunication that in one way or another centred around a person with AS who was being victimised.

While looking for info specifically on this topic I came across a quote from an article written in 1989 by Rosemary Guiley (and updated in 2008) called “A Brief Biography of Isaac Bonewits”…

Around 1985 Bonewits began regularly discussing the need to provide social services for domestic and personal problems and drug dependencies. Neopagans, he points out, represent a cross section of the population, and such problems cut across religious lines. Bonewits estimates that as many as 80 percent of Neopagans come from “non[‘dys-‘]functional family” backgrounds. Neopagans, he observes, are brighter and more artistic than average, but also, therefore, “more neurotic.” [He now thinks much of it may be related to “Aspergers Syndrome”] The community has been quick to address these social issues with programs [such as various “Pagan 12-Step Programs”].

Following a link re the “Pagan 12-Step Programs” led to an article written by Isaac Bonewits in 1996 and updated in 2006 called “Pagans in Recovery”…

“I suspect that most of us in our overlapping subcultures – Neopagans, science fiction fans, renn-faire roadies, medievalists, computer techies, Mensa members, etc – suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome (“AS”). This is a multi-syndrome subtype of mild autism, characterized by:

  • high intelligence and creativity,
  • mild to severe Attention Deficit Disorder (which I prefer to think of as “Attention Dynamic Difference”),
  • usually with “Hyperactivity,”
  • often with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( “OCD”), and
  • perhaps most importantly, “dysthemia,” which is a difficulty in understanding the non-literal content of human communication, such as facial expressions, body language, voice tonalities and other social cues.

When you combine all those characteristics, AS seems to equal INS (or “Incipient Nerd Syndrome”) and much of the bizarre personal behavior and miscommunication that plagues our communities suddenly becomes understandable – not to mention the oh-so-common “cluelessness” that characterizes many of our best known members!”

Well, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a nerd, LOL. For a good definition and description of the evolution of the term ‘nerd’ go to Wikipedia.

Autism, Spirituality & the Paranormal

Another interesting connection with ASD, not directly to Paganism but with spirituality and sensitivity to the paranormal, has been made by William Stillman in his books Autism and the God Connection and The Soul of Autism. Below are some quotes about Stillman (who also has AS), his work and his books from his website

“As an adult with Asperger’s Syndrome, a mild ‘cousin’ of autism, Stillman’s message of reverence and respect has touched thousands nationally through his acclaimed autism workshops and private consultations. In his work to support those who love and care for individuals with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, Stillman sets a tone for our collective understanding of the autistic experience in ways that are unprecedented. Autism should not be defined as an ‘affliction endured by sufferers’, but as a truly unique and individual experience to be respected and appreciated by all. In so doing, Stillman highlights the exquisite sensitivities of our most valuable, wise and loving ‘teachers’.”

“Autism and the God Connection is a formidable challenge to simplistic explanations of autism. The clinical stories in this book raise significant questions about the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the brain. This book is about more than neurological issues; it is about our nature, our origin and destiny — in short, our connection with the Absolute, however named.”

“An intensely rare and innovative book! William Stillman has opened the door to a most intriguing partnership between the treatment of autism and metaphysical studies. The personal stories of autistics as narrated in this book parallel the ‘multisensory’ experiences described by intuitives, mystics and psychics, and call to mind the abilities of shaman who are able to traverse between the world of spirit and this physical plane. What an amazing realization that those long considered mentally challenged may actually be far more advanced in terms of spiritual perception, and it is we who must strive to advance to their level of understanding.”

“In Autism and the God Connection, William Stillman chartered new territory by documenting extraordinary accounts of spiritual giftedness in those with autism — persons often deemed intellectually inferior. But more remains to be told. For those of us not privy to the ease with which many autistics tap their divine resources, we may ask, “How does it work?” Stillman’s new book, The Soul of Autism, responds by exploring the following:

  • Why the unaccountable and dramatic rise in autism — with no single known cause — is a necessary part of our spiritual evolution.
  • What is the secret component that makes autistic telepathy possible for us all if we only avail ourselves of it?
  • If certain autistics communicate with animals, what are the animals saying, and how might that hold relevance for the rest of us?
  • Perceiving deceased grandparents in Spirit is not an uncommon experience for many autistics, but what implies reciprocation in these highly unusual relationships that, curiously enough, center upon grandfathers?
  • How might we tap our multisensory giftedness like those with autism have? The author shares seven steps he developed to undergo a spiritual transformation (from which he escaped a brush with suicidal thoughts), and demonstrates how he applies it with glowing affirmations.

In pursuing answers, The Soul of Autism explores these aspects of spirituality through an autistic prism. We all hold the capacity for unlimited possibilities, but how we do it is what we may come to know from those who do it naturally. We have much to be learning from our autistic friends about transcendence rising, a new humanity accessible for all. The Soul of Autism illuminates the way.”

(Edit: 5/4/2012 – information about Stillman’s 3rd book on this topic has been added below.)

The Autism Prophecies:
How an Evolution of Healers and Intuitives is
Influencing Our Spiritual Future
by William Stillman
Publish Date: April 20, 2010

Paperback, 208 pages; published by New Page Books
ISBN: 1601631162

It is estimated that every twenty minutes a child is diagnosed with autism, and statistics are rapidly rising worldwide without any single known cause. Now, with The Autism Prophecies, award-winning author, William Stillman (Autism and the God Connection and The Soul of Autism), himself a person on the autism spectrum, completes his spiritual trilogy by revealing the truth about autism and its purpose. The Autism Prophecies explores the following:

  • Why abuse of those with autism threatens to increase, and how it’s driven not by fear of our differences but by fear of our similarities.
  • How some with autism are natural-born healers who employ compassion despite contradictory diagnoses indicating a void of empathy.
  • How impossible gifts such as mind control and speaking unknown languages could be occurring in some individuals with autism.
  • How parents may distinguish their child’s spiritual interactions from behavior that might be mislabeled—and unduly medicated as hallucinatory.
  • Why there’s a dramatic spike in night terrors, and the urgent signs families should recognize to protect themselves accordingly.
  • How the wisdom of many individuals with autism may help us to prepare for future hardships and an impending renaissance of civility, respect, and compassion.

In pursuing an enlightened future, The Autism Prophecies views these spiritual aspects through an autistic prism. William Stillman stands alone as the first and only author with the courage and foresight to illuminate the inherent spirituality in many persons with autism—individuals who, historically, have been marginalized and devalued by our culture. His unique research, called “brave” by his supporters, has gained the respect and attention of serious parapsychology scholars and spiritual scientists, as well as open-minded theologians.

Praise for The Autism Prophecies:

“In The Autism Prophecies, William Stillman illuminates the Soul purpose of individuals with autism; that they are here to share their spiritual gifts and talents, to help usher in a new age of truth and enlightenment, and to remind us that we are all more alike than different.”

—Mary Riposo, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Using Reiki Techniques with Children: A Guide for Parents and Professionals.

“From his unique personal perspective and research into the experiences of many autistic individuals, William Stillman presents a provocative case for autistic individuals often possessing special ways of knowing that border on the psychic and spiritual. If valid, his reporting has remarkable implications for a fuller understanding of the nature of human consciousness.”

—Sally Rhine Feather, Ph.D., Executive Director, Rhine Research Center

“In The Autism Prophecies—the final book in his seminal trilogy on autism—William Stillman reveals more startling truths about evolution, the future of our planet, and what the rapidly growing community of individuals, that, sadly, are still being dismissed with the “affliction” of autism, are really here to teach us.”

—Sandra Sedgbeer, Editor-in-Chief, Inspired Parenting magazine and Children of the New Earth magazine

“Common minds judge and so fail to see what uncommon people so clearly show us we have the ability to know and be. The Autism Prophecies is wonderful! And for everyone who strives to become unlimited.”

—Nancy and Elena, co-producers and radio hosts,

Other people have also written about a possible connection between autism and the paranormal. For example in his blog called Intangible Materiality Bruce Duensing wrote…

The Paranormal and The Autistic
Autism and Non Consensus Reality

“If some of you have read my earlier posts, you know I am on the autistic spectrum as having Asperger’s Syndrome as well as having many lifelong strange psychic and paranormal phenomenon that I have accommodated as my shadow, while not relinquishing my own skepticism toward either the experiences themselves or their causation because as an autistic I digest the world by systematizing it. Lately, through correspondence with a autistic friend, Dr Coral Hull, with similar and yet distinct experiences, I have have begun to examine something that should have been apparent all along to someone who is not autistic… is there a link between my autism and these experiences? More importantly, is there a linkage between perception of alternate or non consensus realities and the characteristics of my state?” Read more…

The author of a blog called Dead Conversations wrote…

“Spirits LOVE autistic children, as they are the most open beings to spiritual energy, as they more than half live in the spiritual world. But I want to give autistic kids their own post, as every single one I have met has had such an amazing spiritual energy – it’s palpable and warm, and a little overwhelming.”

Autism & Psychic Ability

I found a link to a very interesting site here with a collection of articles by Mary Ann Harrington, a former teacher of children with autism…

Here’s a sample of her articles…

Anomalies of Autism – Questions for Scientists and Researchers Interested in Consciousness
“My work with individuals with severe autism has expanded my awareness and broadened my conception of reality. Their uncanny ability to repeat messages I have sent to them telepathically and/or sub-vocally in itself is amazing. I believe that is just the beginning of their consciousness raising abilities.”

Autism, Entangled Energy – Sending, Joining, and Receiving Thoughts Through Paranormal Channels
“Joining at higher levels of consciousness with my friends with autism broadened my conception of the universe, as they led me on an internal journey to an ever-evolving belief system. Intuition, joined energy, direct knowing, and telepathy had now become part of my perceptual reality.”

Enhanced ESP, Telepathy, and Mysticism in People with Autism
“These remarkable individuals have led me to believe that the brain is a diffusing device rather than an emanating one. They may have easier access to altered states because their filtering devices – brain and sensory systems – are impaired. This massive disruption in normal processing may have forced them back into a dream-like state in which the right brain suddenly forced to take over left-brain functions. This in turn may allow for greater access to altered states of consciousness.”

Mary Ann Harrington’s articles are definitely worth a good long look if you’re interested in this topic too!

My Personal Experience

When I was a child my family never showed any interest in the paranormal, occult or psychic phenomena, except to tell me that it was either total rubbish (my atheist father’s point of view) or very dangerous and Satanic and not to be ‘dabbled’ in (my Christian mother’s viewpoint). So, as you can imagine, they were both very concerned, but for different reasons, when I expressed an interest in such matters and as a result of their reactions I eventually learned to keep most of my ideas about anything I considered to be a psychic, telepathic or paranormal experience to myself.

Sometimes I just ‘knew’ something would happen before it actually did. More often I would ‘see’ an event in my mind either ahead of time (a premonition) or while it was taking place elsewhere (remote viewing) and I couldn’t explain why. Other times I would feel a presence when there was no-one else in the room. These types of events have continued into my adulthood, although over the last couple of years they have declined a little – maybe due to stress and other health issues(?). I have never had any sense of control over when these things would happen.

Now I’m a parent and I’ve seen my own children experience similar things on and off. I’ve always given my boys the freedom to discuss these issues with me in a calm and rational manner, and I also encourage them to take notice of these events and not just dismiss them as ‘stupid’. Having a background and training based in science I always tend to look for the mundane, logical explanation first, but sometimes there just isn’t one. My youngest son, who is also the most ‘Aspie’ of the four, seems to have more of these experiences than his older brothers did at the same age, and he delights in telling me of his latest ‘psychic moment’.


So it seems there could be some sort of correlation between AS and Paganism and others have noticed it too. Although the psychic or spiritual abilities discussed above do not refer specifically to Paganism, they are perhaps more acceptable within the context of the many Pagan traditions than with most mainstream religions. So, maybe I’m not imagining this connection afterall.

In the interests of promoting awareness about Autism, aside from the intriguing paranormal and psychic aspects, please take the time to read something from the references I provided in the very first section to familiarise yourself with some of the recognisable traits of ASD. So, next time somebody acts a bit ‘weird’, or you see a child apparently misbehaving or having a temper tantrum in public, please try not to pass unfair judgement on them, or on the child’s parents. Stop and consider that the people you are watching just might be dealing with autism or Asperger’s Syndrome. Acceptance, understanding and perhaps even a polite offer of assistance (where appropriate) is far preferable to harsh, unfounded and unsolicited criticism.


Autism Spectrum Australia –
The National Autistic Society (UK) – &
Autism South Australia –
Dr Tony Attwood –
Dr Greene –
Autistics Need Acceptance, Not Cure by Morton Gernsbacher, Wisconsin State Journal April 24, 2004
A Brief Biography of Isaac Bonewits
Pagans in Recovery

29 thoughts on “Autism, Psychic Abilities, the Paranormal and Paganism …is there a connection?

  1. There’s a couple of comments about this on my Facebook page so I thought I’d copy them here so they don’t get lost…

    Dragonfly-Louise O’Brien at 13:01 on 20 April
    I really like this article….. with all the people I know with Asperger’s and other ASD it is an interesting theoretical position. However could it just be that in Paganism and other Alternative Spiritual Paths “weirdness” is just accepted as part of the path? Then again I know lots of people like myself who embrace their weirdness without an ASD 😉

    Caroline Fielden at 13:20 on 20 April
    Thank you Jenny, that is really interesting material… it has added lots of material to my ‘future things to look at more closely’ list…..

    Jenwytch at 14:27 on 20 April
    Thanks ladies …glad you like it. 🙂


  2. I enjoyed your article. I found it while searching for other Pagans in Recovery links.

    I am self-diagnosed as AS. I have many of the characteristics associated with it. As part of my Recovery from addiction and alcoholism, I have had to come to terms with, and learn to function inside of society in spite of, feeling like an alien. Many of the Pagans I have made contact with through self medicate with drugs, alcohol, food or other addictions find that they also have deeper issues. AS to name one.

    Following the 12 Step programs both in the mainstream and as a Pagan has helped me to come to terms with my differences from other people. Yes, I am an odd personality, I have difficulty maintaining relationships or making friends. However, the Steps in the Program have helped me to move past the depression often associated with feeling as if I am an outsider. I still have AS (or something so similar it doesn’t matter) but I no longer have to self medicate to alleviate the emotional pain often associated with it.


  3. Hi Lyon, and thanks for your comment. I’m glad you’ve been able to move past your depression. Some time ago, I raised the question on a pagan forum (no longer in existence), about Pagans and depression. It was something that interested me at the time, due to my own feelings of depression (which I was trying to self medicate at the time with St John’s Wort and vitamin supplements) plus my observations of certain behaviours and attitudes I had noticed in a few other people in that group. What surprised me was the much greater number of people who were genuinely pleased that I had raised the topic as it gave them an opportunity to discuss something they wanted to share but were too scared or shy to be the first to talk about.

    Perhaps AS within paganism is a similar issue, in that there are a lot of us drawn to pagansim, for whatever reasons, but we each feel so very alone. It’s difficult trying ‘fit in’ sometimes, and hard to accept the criticism from others that sometimes comes our way, for things we really were clueless about. Its a shame more people can’t learn to accept diversity …both in themselves and in others. We who are ‘different’ have the right to be proud of ourselves – who we are and what we’ve achieved – just as much as anybody else, although sometimes we lack the self confidence to be more assertive about who we really are, and that (among many other factors) can certainly lead to depression which in turn would lead to different ways of trying to deal with those feelings.

    I’m interested to see the Pagan version of the 12-steps, but I couldn’t find them on your forum – only peoples’ discussions and personal experiences of some of them – could you point me in the right direction please? 🙂


  4. Autistic children seem to me, less easily corrupted by society and seem more pure, like animals- I mean this in the most honorable way. I feel this allows them to have the extra psychic capacity that other ‘normal’ children or adults would have if so much of them wasn’t caught up in how they’re ‘meant’ to be or ‘should’ appear to others.


  5. i grew up with preminitions, feelings and seeing of people around. it continues to this day. my daughter was diagnosed with asperger’s very young. as she grew she experienced the same paranormal experiences. i understood how she felt and provided much needed comfort to her throughout the years. i did not have any explanations for her until now. after much research and learning, i have also accepted that i have asperger’s. we continue to grow and learn and most important we giggle together from our souls as we live our lives. i hope others will realize the same.


  6. Thank You for the best information I have had access to on Autism. I never treated the Autistic but I did work with their care givers…..I am a psychologist/retired now.
    Doing group work re/ metaphysics…How I wish I had this info earlier….IT IS SO RIGHT ON!….God Bless you!
    Are you aware of the “Heavy Blankets” people are making and using in CA.? It is working, “somewhat”, even with the “worst” patients. People move to CA with Autistic children because the care offered there is superior to any other state.
    A relative of mine is making these blankets. I could get you more information on them if you like.
    A.Morris PhD


  7. Wow, I’m blown away!!!!!
    I have suspected for a few years that I might have aspergers and/or attachment disorder, I have nieces and nephews who have been diagnosed aspies. I have always been the one who does not fit in, and when people get to know me they often comment how inteligent I am, although I have trouble with some basic things. I’m severe add and dyslexic, and had a hard time in school, I was even thought of as being dumb until I got into univercity and then realized I was smarter than most of the people who were in the same bsc courses as me! I have always had a very strong conection with animals and comunicate with them, and can tell when an animal is hurt or not well even if they look and act fine, sometimes I even feel it in my body! I always wanted to be a vet till I decided in my teens that it would be too hard for me emotionally. I also have always had physic abilities and exsperiances since I can remember, I have theese feelings of knowing that are so strong some times I feel it in every ounce of my being. So many times I have said to my daughter that something is off with a person and although I’m not able to say exactly what it is it is never wrong, so much so that now when I tell my daughter that I feel that there is something off or wrong with someone she respects it cause she knows I’m never wrong! Just recently I discovered I can look into someones eyes and tell them key things about who they are and the challenges they were sent here to overcome, without knowing them or having met or talked to them before, its a great party trick and blows people away as I seem to be spot on!

    The last few years have been really hard for me as I’m starting to prefer to just be alone, there are so few people out there that I find get me/understand me. Most people I meet are so entangled in the petty drama of thier lives and judge themselves and others by what they have and what they do that they miss the point of being here? Even though I prefer to be alone now, I find it conflicting because I feel we are sent here to grow spritually and to love one anouther. And although when I’m out in public I try to send this love I feel out to every person I meet, I feel verry alone and isolated and I’m confussed by this as I think we are here to share this love, not be alone and isolated?

    Does any one know of any websights and/or goups that may help me get more clarity and understanding why I feel so isolated and alone and if there is anything I can do to alieviate the pain it causes or better yet to find like minds I can connect with? Although I do self medicate and take medication due to some chronic pain conditions I have, I’am monitered by a great Dr’s care who is also a spiritual mentor for me so I do not need a program for addictions, (that has never been an issue for me, nor will it ever be, sorry but I just know)


  8. Jenwytch, thank you for this! I now have a much better understanding of those with Aspie and indeed Autism. I have long wondered about the connection that Aspie’s have with animals and their keen ability to ‘talk’ with them and even calm them. I’ve wittnessed this first hand and now I will certainly pay more attention to such activities.

    I especially took note of your last paragraph – from now on I too will give empathy and genuin concern when I next see a child ‘out of control!’

    Warm regards,


    1. i am telepathic and use it like another sense….i use with animals and humans … boy is strong telepath and sees auras and also has budding telekinetic abilities. my daughter can see auras and is mildly telepathic. when i really want to make some thought clear to an animal , i will have my boy act as a telepathic interpreter. gentleness and kindness to all living things is how we live our lives.
      funny thing , i have been reading about heathenism as it applies to odinism in modern life and in ancient norse life. norse culture is one of my interests.
      true that lots of aspies are not real religious but are very spiritual folks.
      the heathen home devotional reveals quite an amazing perspective on the world.

      makes one wonder…. 🙂


  9. My heartfelt thanks to everyone who has commented here. Your kind words and positive feedback are most encouraging and I’m glad that my article has been of help to so many of you.

    @Anita ~ thanks for commenting, I’m glad the information I’ve supplied has been helpful to you. And yes, I have heard of weighted blankets and also weighted vests for daytime wear. It’s good to know that, thanks to people like your relative, they are becoming more easily available to those who need them.

    @darklippy ~ I’m glad you have been able to develop your psychic abilities rather than ignoring them. Perhaps you could explore websites about psychic development and alternative spirituality and through such searches I’m sure you’d eventually find at least an online group where you could connect with like minds. You might also find support by joining an online Autism/Aspergers support group …there are many of those to choose from …just do a Google search. That in turn could lead to finding a group that meets in your local area for ‘face to face’ meetings if that suited you. Here in Australia I’m a member of and website manager for a group called Spheres Of Light, and we have a lot of information and articles about psychic/paranormal/spiritual topics on our website, collected from various sources, which might interest you. We also have a section called the “SOL Holistic Centre” with guided meditations and music to meditate and relax to in our online “Healing Room” which many people find extremely helpful, so feel free to take a look to see if it interests you at all (all downloads are free by the way, and no need to sign up to anything).

    @cerp ~ thank you so much for your comments, and I am especially heartened by your desire to give empathy and genuine concern when you next see a child ‘out of control’ …it’s nice to know that at least one person, and hopefully more, can look at such situations in a different light because of my article. 🙂


  10. I am really lost for words when I read darklippy’s articles because I have so much in common in what I have been going through for over 11 yrs now . I dont like to talk about things I have seen in my childhood days with 2 other family members as witnesses with me ! Also 5 yrs ago another experience with the exact same thing pluss had a friend as a witness this time .Seeing things before they happen has been more frequent . Even happen the next day or a jus in a couple hrs .sometimes right away ! It really spooks me so much to wanna feel like solitude wonderin what is going on with me . Depression ,suicidal thoughts are a burried memory 5yrs ago .Since then I have had a positive life and call me crazy I owe it to Joyce Meyers ministries on t.v.Her words are so unique and understanding about the bible . She is a charactor like me in her facial expressions ,I love to make people laugh its joyous to me ! Enjoy everyday life .


    1. Hi Tami,

      I certainly wouldn’t call you crazy and I’m glad you found Joyce Meyer Ministries to help you find happiness and inner peace. Your childhood experiences sound quite disturbing so I’m glad you’ve been able to get past that now. We all have different ways of dealing with things and the path you chose has obviously worked for you. 🙂

      In regard to my own experiences, fortunately I’ve never had any premonitions or “visions” of anything truly disturbing. In fact I look upon this ability as a gift as in some cases it’s served as a warning to get out of potentially inconvenient or even dangerous situations in the traffic. Once I “saw” a white car ahead of me (a few kilometres away on a multi-laned highway and around a few bends in the road so definitely out of sight in the conventional sense) waiting to turn across the path of oncoming traffic and I trusted my intuition and changed lanes to avoid getting stuck behind it, even though I was nowhere near that particular section of the road yet. Sure enough, when I finally got there, there was a white car waiting to turn, with a queue of cars stuck behind it! Another time I “saw” a large truck beside me change lanes into my space, so again, I had the heads up to quickly get out of the way and this time avoid being crushed! “Visions” like that I would definitely call a gift. 😀

      Like darklippy, I wanted to feel less isolated and find people of like mind and my explorations eventually led me to Paganism, where I’ve found many other people like myself, including other Aspies who’ve been drawn to it for similar reasons, and that sense of “belonging” that I so desperately sought. For me it feels like “coming home”.


  11. I am compiling stories of people regarding psychic field and autism. I have a 16 year old boy with autism and epilepsy.
    Would love to have a brief story(or 2) from you that demonstrates the ‘connectedness’ of you and/your son(s).
    My intention is to get parents to realize this is not a ‘nice’ idea but actually something they could tap into and all would benefit.
    (Have not yet launched my website).
    Love your artwork!!


    1. Hi Nancy …your website sounds like a great idea. I’ll try to put a couple of stories here when I get time. I’m currently snowed under with a lot of other stuff (which is why it took me a week to see and reply to your comment …sorry about that.) 🙂


  12. My spiritual counsellor was diagnosed autistic as a child . There is clearly a correlation between the condition and so-called psychic ability, and if one feels alien, maybe one should consider that indeed he or she is! The three dimensional reality is just that, and not the totality of our being nor our experiences.


  13. What great information. I remember so clearly having visions when I was a little girl, talking to my great grandmother and her telling me it was the devil that was inside of me. For years I have had premonitions, visions, etc…fortunately, 12 years ago I found a partner who is not freaked out about it and thus listens to me when I tell him what I am feeling, etc. My son is autistic and I know that he has a deep connection to animals. In addition, we noticed at the age of 5 that there were certain people he could not be around without going “crazy”…and others where he was as calm as could be. Against the wishes of family and many “professionals”, we decided to truly observe him, listen to him and help him with his struggles. He is now a very friendly boy, cordial, etc…but when he needs time to calm down, possibly too much negative energy, we respect his right to be calm alone in his room. Most people cannot believe he was ever diagnosed with autism because although he is “different”, he is not what they expect. I believe in part because we have taught him how to manage his stress, etc…I wish more parents would focus on their child and getting “in tune” with them instead of attempting to change them. They are truly amazing human beings.


    1. Thanks for your comment. It’s nice to know there are other parents out there who believe in helping their children to shine rather than trying to force them to change and conform to “normal”. 🙂


  14. I am astonished infact I’m relieved to know at the age of 74yrs and not diagnosed as being Autistic for definite yet.These reviews are mind blowing to me as I have the spiritual and paranormal experiences even being able to mind read through looking into apersons eyes.WILL RESEARCH THIS KNOWLEDGE tHANKYOU

    Liked by 1 person

  15. One possible reason for some people with autism/high functioning autism (formally Aspergers Syndrome) being interested in psychic powers and trying to develop their psychic abilities is their sometimes inability to read facial expressions and body language meaning in order to compensate for being unable to read facial/body language/expressions etc as it can help to some degree however for best results on any form of personal development whether learning psychic powers or body language etc always seek the advice of those experienced and trained in those areas for best results and join a class or group that helps develop those areas you are interested in whether facial expressions or psychic powers etc


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